Dylan Eller, MET Editor

[email protected]

What does Dylan do for FPIN?

I am part of the Help Desk Answers (HDAs) Managing Editor Team here at FPIN. Within this role, I make sure that all HDAs that are submitted for editorial review meet the high quality FPIN standard. I look for any possible errors within the formatting guideline and also check the evidence summaries for the quality information required. This process ensures that our authors are receiving feedback quickly and are better prepared for the next round of edits.

I absolutely love the work environment at FPIN and the wonderful people I have the pleasure of working alongside. The staff and all the moving parts within the organization are constantly turning in order to help all of our programs succeed. You can often find me at my editing desk in deep focus listening to music from the 70s all the way to modern day pop. 


I graduated with a Bachelors of Health Science degree and am currently in the process of obtaining my Masters of Public Health in Epidemiology. I have interned and worked with the Missouri State Public Health Department analyzing several different data sets related to healthcare. I have contributed to various research based projects by editing, analyzing, and making recommendations to stakeholders. FPIN is giving me exposure to different health based research studies and an opportunity to examine findings efficiently.


I am currently obsessed with the sport of golf. I find it very relaxing at times, and also very infuriating at times! Whenever I have free time in my life and the weather is nice I can probably be found at a local course.

Unique Skills

I am very proficient in data cleaning and analysis and often will find myself running programs on topics I might find interesting.

Fun Facts

I was born with 5 wisdom teeth and grew up in the same neighborhood as Bernie Mac.

What do you love most about FPIN?

I love being given the opportunity to work in an environment that breeds so much positive energy. From the work staff to distant editors, the amount of positivity and hard work ethic ingrains itself with the organization. FPIN continues to be the most positive work experience I have ever had.

Favorite Netflix series or movie and why?

The Departed with Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, and Jack Nicholson. This is hands down my favorite movie of all time. The character development is so unique and the story is told in a way that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire film. This film is packed with star talent and has one of the most interesting premises for a movie plot in recent times.